Safety internet practices are the act of following sets of rules or standards and protecting oneself from harmful aspects online. These sets of rules are made to keep one safe to avoid losing important documents and corrupting one's work.
Malware is a file or code, that is delivered online and infects, explores, steals or conducts virtually any behavior an attacker wants. They are many examples of malware like mobile malware, viruses, worm, adware, spyware, files malware and many others.
The consequences of ones phone being infected by malware are very bad because all important files and documents will be lost or corrupted.
Use anti-malware app
Use a pop-up blocker with the browser.
Make sure your PC is updated.
Use strong antivirus software like Avast virus,360 Total security, Brave browser, and Ad blocker for google chrome.
Identify peoples identities before clicking on any link or registering.
Verifying if a link is safe enough. For example most links with HTTPS are safer than HTTP because the S in
HTTPS indicates an extra safety measure is being put in place.
Using AD blockers
Using VPN (Virtual Personal Network).
Using a secure password
Using different passwords for different platforms because it will be difficult to hack another platform if one
password is licked
Do not save passwords on google
Using Two- factor authentication settings(2FA)
Do not download files that look suspicious or click suspicious links.
Do not give out account information to people you do not trust or better still don't give at all.
Avoid using public Wi-Fi for transactions, checking email and important stuff